With the Millennium site, CA Immo is planning a mixed use development in Frankfurt, creating a high urban attractiveness as an urban landmark as well as modern infrastructures for life and work. For this, an integrated district mobility concept is required, from which key points are to be incorporated into the planned architectural competition.
Together with Urban Standards, Unique1 is developing a fully integrated mobility concept that includes forward-looking, user-group-specific forms of mobility on the site as well as space optimization by reducing parking space for all means of transport.
A validated, approval- and tenderable overall concept will be presented, which shows corresponding mobility measures for the reduction of motorised individual traffic and thus minimizes the required parking space.
The district mobility concept lays the foundation for the validation of the reduced parking space in the Millennium area. This enables great cost savings in the development of the site and makes an important contribution to the attractiveness of the location.
EV certification has been taking place in Hyundai retail through Unique1 since 2020. Specialist e-mobility coaches train salespeople on all relevant e-mobility topics, such as market expertise, product range, requirement profiles, tax/legal background, EV sales processes and argumentations.
Shell has been supported as a client in the ATL and BTL sectors in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 2013. This support includes: Fuels, Lubricants, Shell Energy, brand partners, Car Care, Shell Clubsmart, Commercial Fuels, Shell Recharge, Shell Technology Center HH, Convenience Retail, HSSE.
We support our client Mainzer Mobilität as lead sales and marketing agency from the development of communication campaigns up to their implementation. MM’s versatility is reflected in our mutual fields: local public transport, on-demand mobility (MainzRIDER), bikesharing (meinRad), autonomous driving (Emma2) and internal communication measures.
Unique1 has been supporting Toyota Germany in the field of retail marketing since 2013. Tasks include the design and implementation of sales support measures as well as projects in the new mobility segment. Since 2019, we have also taken on these tasks for Toyota Austria.
For KINTO, the mobility brand of Toyota and Lexus, Unique1 develops the concept for the POS & POI appearance as well as a web portal for planning KINTO offers and booking communication measures for the European markets.
Together with its partner Urban Standards, Unique1 is developing a comprehensive, user-group-specific mobility concept for the Millennium area, which is being built for real estate developer CA Immo in Frankfurt’s Westend, which contributes to area optimisation and site attractiveness.
Unique1 supports the customer VDO in the B2B area when it comes to attracting fleet managers to VDO's services and products via digital channels.
Unique1 supports the car dealerships of the AHZ Group with digital advertising packages that enable to respond precisely to the needs of the micromarket. This in- cludes website creation and main- tenance, social media, SEM, SEO, Digital Signage at the POS, DOOH. The high degree of automation makes these services for retailers attractive in terms of price.
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